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A successful conclusion of the Egypt Cup Chess Team Championship with a record number of participants

A successful conclusion of the Egypt Cup Chess Team Championship with a record number of participants

The Egypt Chess Cup Championship for the 2023/2024 season, which was held at the Youth Development Center on the island from May 7 to May 12, witnessed the presence of a record number of players.

19 teams participated in the tournament. For the first time in the history of the federation, each team includes 12 players, from all governorates of Egypt, from Upper Egypt to Bahri.

First place was achieved by the Eastern Company team, followed in second place by the Port Fouad team, then third place by the Misr Insurance team, The Imbaba Youth Center came in fourth place. 

For his part, Ahmed Adly, President of the Egyptian Chess Federation, expressed his happiness at the success of the tournament, which witnessed the participation of this record number for the first time in the Federation’s history.

He said: Adly is good news for a chess family with the organization of 21 tournaments on the agenda of the Egyptian Federation until next December 2, including 11 open international tournaments held in 6 governorates.

The presidency of the Egyptian Chess Federation is headed by a tripartite committee that includes Ahmed Adly and Eman Al-Ansari. , Mohamed Abdel-Al, until the end of the current electoral cycle 2020/2024.

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