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Committee B "Federal National" Discussing a draft federal law regarding the approval of the unified final account of the Union for the year 2023

Committee B "Federal National" Discussing a draft federal law regarding the approval of the unified final account of the Union for the year 2023

DUBAI, May 13 / WAM / The Financial, Economic and Industrial Affairs Committee of the Federal National Council, during its meeting today at the headquarters of the General Secretariat of the Council in Dubai, headed by His Excellency Khalid Omar Al Kharji, Rapporteur of the Committee, discussed a draft federal law regarding the approval of the unified final account of the Union for the ending fiscal year. On 12/31/2023 AD.

During the meeting, the committee decided to prepare a report on the draft law in preparation for submitting it to the Council and discussing it in one of the upcoming sessions.

The meeting was attended by His Excellency Dr. Tariq Humaid Al Tayer, First Vice President of the Council and the committee’s rapporteur for this meeting, Aisha Rashid Laitem, Marwan Obaid Al Muhairi, Mona Khalifa Hammad, and Mira Sultan Al Suwaidi, members of the committee, members of the Federal National Council; From the Ministry of Finance, His Excellency Younis Haji Al-Khouri, Undersecretary of the Ministry, and Maryam Muhammad Al-Amiri, Assistant Undersecretary for Government Financial Management Affairs.

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