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The Ministry of Interior receives participants in the Global Youth Media Leadership Summit

The Ministry of Interior receives participants in the Global Youth Media Leadership Summit

    The Ministry of the Interior, in coordination with the Ministry of Youth and Sports, organized two visits to each of the Police Academy and the Ministry’s Media and Relations Sector for young people participating in the third edition of the World Summit for Youth Media Leaders program, who represent a number of countries around the world, to provide them with the opportunity to learn about the mechanisms of preparing a policeman.

   The visitors were received at the Police Academy and briefed on the academy’s capabilities. The visit included watching a documentary film during which they learned about the advanced educational and training facilities the academy possesses that contribute to preparing local and international security cadres. The visit also witnessed the organization of an educational symposium under the title The Role of the Media. Security in communicating with citizens and supporting societal stability.


   After that, a visit was organized to the headquarters of the Ministry’s Media and Relations Sector to see the great development witnessed by the Ministry’s media system in performing its mission of communicating with society and all media outlets, and broadcasting audio, print and visual messages to introduce the Ministry’s efforts and activities. For their part, the visitors praised the capabilities it possesses. The sector, its speed in communicating and responding to various inquiries in a professional manner, its preparation of various media materials that are broadcast through the media at home and abroad, and its keenness to ensure that it is accurate and has a national dimension.


    This comes within the framework of the Ministry of Interior’s keenness to activate cooperation frameworks with all institutions and entities to consolidate the values ​​of loyalty and belonging and contribute to the exchange of experiences among young people in countries around the world.


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