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Hala Al-Saeed: 9.7 billion pounds to implement 189 development projects in Suez Governorate, according to the 2023/2024 plan.

Hala Al-Saeed: 9.7 billion pounds to implement 189 development projects in Suez Governorate, according to the 2023/2024 plan.

Minister of Planning and Economic Development, Dr. Hala Al-Saeed, said that the number of development projects directed to the Suez Governorate in the 2023/2024 plan reaches 189 development projects, and that the value of public investments directed to the governorate amounts to 9.7 billion pounds.


This came during the report issued by the Ministry of Planning and Economic Development, which reviews the features of the Citizen’s Investment Plan for the Suez Governorate for the year 23/2024, within the framework of continuing to announce the Citizen’s Plan in all governorates of the Republic for the fifth year in a row, with the aim of educating citizens. Regarding the directions and priorities of the sustainable development plan for the fiscal year (23/2024), and its role in achieving “Egypt’s Vision 2030”.


Dr. Hala Al-Saeed, Minister of Planning and Economic Development, confirmed Egypt’s Vision 2030, in its updated version, attaches utmost importance to ensuring citizens’ participation in development decision-making, in a way that benefits the human being, who represents the focus of development, as well as achieving spatial justice, reducing geographical gaps, empowering local communities economically and socially, and making basic services available in all geographical regions to bring about development. Real in society, explaining that these principles are consistent with the State General Planning Law No. 18 of 2022, which gives great importance to enhancing the participation of actors in the development process and encouraging scientific research and innovation to achieve sustainable development that is balanced geographically, sectorally and environmentally, adding that citizens’ participation in the process Development will not come without making detailed data available for the state’s development plans, enabling them to follow up on their implementation periodically, according to a comprehensive and integrated framework to enhance participatory planning. 


With regard to the sectoral distribution of investments The targeted public sector in Suez Governorate in the 2023/2024 plan. The report of the Ministry of Planning and Economic Development indicated that investments worth 4.2 billion pounds were directed to the petroleum sector, at a rate of 43%, followed by the Suez Canal sector, at a value of 1.6 billion pounds, at a rate of 16%. Investments in the transportation sector amounted to 1.4%. One billion pounds, at a rate of 15%. The higher education sector includes 778 million pounds, at a rate of 8%. The health sector includes 261.5 million pounds, at a rate of 3%. The other sectors include investments worth 1.5 billion pounds, at a rate of 15%.


The report stated that the plan aims to implement 10 development projects in the field of health services in Suez Governorate, including completing the development of Sadr Al-Suez Hospital, developing primary care units, in addition to implementing 11 projects in the field of higher education, including the establishment of Galala University and the hospital. University of Suez University, in addition to establishing a central laboratory complex for the Faculty of Science.


The report also indicated indicators of the current situation (22/2023) in the Suez Canal sector, where the number of ships passing The canal has 25,911 ships, and the tonnage of ships passing through the canal is 1,526.9 million tons, and the canal’s revenues reached 245.8 billion pounds.

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