Horoscope September 2024: Brace yourself for breakup season
Virgo season closes the curtains on a chaotic August, marking the end of Mercury retrograde and signifying a shift in focus as we try to trade the theatrical for the practical. With the Sun radiating in the meticulous sign of Virgo, we find pleasure in our routines as we hone in on mundane matters and pursue self-improvement. Despite our need for order and predictability, a Lunar Eclipse in Pisces looms on the horizon, preparing to project us into unforeseen timelines. Eclipses bring revelations, plot twists and sometimes the closure we didn’t even know we needed. Thankfully, Virgo’s solution-oriented outlook helps guide us through this juncture of change as we prepare to let go of the problems and people that might be obscuring our purpose.
Pluto makes its final retrograde back into Capricorn on September 1, shining a spotlight on governments and authority figures, and uncovering any hidden corruption. On a personal level, this retrograde might urge you to revisit and resolve deep-seated fears around power and hierarchy that have been simmering for over a decade. A purifying New Moon in Virgo on September 2 serves as an additional reality check. Virgo’s energy invites us to embrace the power of small, consistent actions that ultimately create our lives. This is the perfect lunation to set intentions for new habits, healthier routines or projects that require meticulous attention to detail.
By mid-September, Venus aligns with the South Node, stirring up karmic dynamics in love, money and self-worth. This is a powerful moment to release old patterns that have kept you stuck. If a relationship, financial situation or creative project feels stagnant or draining, ask yourself: What am I ready to let go of? Am I still here because I’m afraid of stirring the pot? Is this superficial or purposeful? Venus at these crossroads urges us to rebalance dynamics, reclaim our sovereignty, and trust that the universe has something better in store. With the South Node in Libra and the North Node in Aries, we are prompted to quit people-pleasing and choose independence over codependency.
And then the drama returns, starting with the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on September 17. This is the first of two powerful eclipses, opening a portal that will remain active until the second Eclipse in October. The Pisces Lunar Eclipse is here to help us release stagnant emotions, illuminating what’s been hidden in the depths of our subconscious. It’s a time of letting go of delusions, deceptions and outdated dreams – a moment to trust in the divine unfolding of life. During this lunation, be open to signs, symbols and synchronicities. Let your intuition guide you as you navigate the endings and beginnings that this Eclipse will catalyse.
Summer officially ends on September 22, marking the fall equinox and the beginning of Libra season. If we end some relationships, new ones take their place as we move into a season of interpersonal reshuffling. The Equinox is a moment of perfect balance between light and dark. It’s a time to assess where you’ve been giving too much and where you need to receive. Libra Season encourages us to find balance in our relationships, restore harmony in our environments and seek beauty in all things.
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- Source of information and images “dazeddigital”“