Life Style

Traveling with a Partner for the First Time: The Dos and Don’ts

Kourtney Kardashian Barker

They say that traveling with someone for the first time can reveal a lot about you as an individual.

Which is why traveling with your partner for the first time can be so nerve-wracking. Sure, it’s a little dramatic to say that travel compatibility can make or break a relationship… but where’s the lie?

So we drafted a rule book, if you will, on the dos and don’ts when you’re heading out of town with your s/o for the first time. 

The Dos:

Compromise your top priorities on your to-do list 
It’s inevitable that you are both going to have some differences on your list of places you want to visit. You should each make a list of your top three discoverable places and make sure that you go to all six. Note: this may vary depending on how long your trip will be, but you get the idea.

Be patient with each other
The quote, “Patience is the key which solves all problems” could not be more true for when you’re on a trip and you’re starting to get a little annoyed with the person you’re with. Whether it’s their little quirks you’re starting to notice that rub you the wrong way or they’re getting snappy, it’s vital to remember that your moment of frustration with one another can probably be solved with a good breather.

Take pictures together
Don’t be the person who doesn’t want to take pictures. It’s a moment in time that you’ll look back on and cherish or hate … Either way, you won’t regret having these memories archived somewhere.

Participate in new activities
You traveled for a reason so experience it, fully. You don’t want to go back home with any regret about not doing something.

Come up with fun experiences on the trip
Don’t put all the weight and responsibility of finding fun things to do on the person you’re with. Do a little research before you leave and have things up your sleeve. You won’t regret it, and they’ll appreciate it.

The Don’ts:

Be too rigid about scheduling things
Go with the flow if your schedule shifts. 

Argue about trivial things like where you’re going to eat
It’s food, not the end of the world.

Say no to new things/adventures
Be open to new experiences. You just might  enjoy it more than you expected.

But, but … no. This can sometimes be a defining factor between two people.

Be on your phone all the time
Yikes, why did you even take the trip if you’re going to be glued to your phone (probably checking the things that are going on back home …)? Sure, take tons of pictures, but stay present. Be where you are and post your Instagram photos when you’re lying in bed at night or when you get back home. 

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