Full Moons have always been associated with full feelings. Ask anyone who works with the public about their day during a Full Moon and you’ll hear stories of overflowing emotions.
It’s no wonder we are so affected by the Moon. We are, after all, made up of mostly water and if you’ve ever watched the Moon’s effect on a tide you’ll be able to understand the connection.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed today, let yourself float on the waves and trust that calmer seas will soon carry you to shore again.
Read more horoscopes from MailOnline.
(March 21 – April 20)
When emotions run high, it can seem easier to try to outrun your feelings than to turn and face them. You might imagine that this protects you from stress and anxiety but it only delays things and lets problems have more power than they really deserve. Today, as the Moon meets your retrograde ruler in Cancer, you have an opportunity to heal an issue that has been allowed to gather too much power over you. First you must make peace with what you have been putting off.
Want an in-depth forecast for this week? Call 0905 789 0301.
Full Moons have always been associated with full feelings. Ask anyone who works with the public about their day during a Full Moon and you’ll hear stories of overflowing emotions
(April 21 – May 21)
Heart to hearts are not always easy. They need sensitivity if they’re to lead to a sense of resolution. Full Moons like yesterday’s Lunation in Cancer can stir up turbulence. Sometimes, though, it’s only when issues are allowed to bubble up that they can be resolved. If you find that deeper feelings and conversations are being stirred today, you may feel like retreating. By holding your ground long enough to really listen, you might just find that a refreshingly honest interaction helps you to make some real progress.
Want an in-depth forecast for this week? Call 0905 789 0302.
(May 22 – June 22)
Yesterday I suggested you find self belief. Easier said than done. What we know rationally can take time to be reflected in how we feel. Today, thoughts can influence your emotions. Thoughts lead to actions and actions can bring about changes which relieve the tension from your sense of being stuck. Jupiter, currently retrograde in your sign, squares Venus today. You may be facing a frustratingly familiar situation. Trust you have what you need to navigate it.
Want an in-depth forecast for this week? Call 0905 789 0303.
(June 23 – July 23)
Yesterday may have brought emotions to a head. Today, as your ruler conjoins with Mars in your sign, you are motivated to do something about what you have now identified as the problem. Your passion to seek resolution may not yet be matched by others. If you can remain patient, and speak gently from the heart, you’ll gain a moment of power to reassert your needs and avoid any unnecessary conflict. Deploying a delicate touch when dealing with a difficult situation today will pay dividends.
Want an in-depth forecast for this week? Call 0905 789 0304.
(July 24 – August 23)
Changing a light bulb, like anything in life, is only easy when you know how. Yesterday, your ruling planet, the Sun, made a positive connection to Uranus, the planet of eureka moments and revolution. This promises the chance of a real breakthrough. To keep shining as brightly as you do, you must source and access the power to emit such radiance. Once you work out what makes you feel energised, there will be nothing holding you back from what you want to accomplish.
Want an in-depth forecast for this week? Call 0905 789 0305.
(August 24 – September 23)
Boundaries are essential in healthy relationships. Without them, lines between what is wholesome and what is an emotional burden can be blurred and leave you drained. But drawing a line isn’t always easy. Sometimes, what is wrong for one situation makes perfect sense for another. Lines are always changing. Today, you might feel conflicted between supporting others and focusing on your own aspirations. Boundaries will help you to ensure that your relationships align with your values.
Want an in-depth forecast for this week? Call 0905 789 0306.
(September 24 – October 23)
It’s easy for people to make assumptions of others when they don’t have the full story. It’s hard to look at another’s life without our spin on things. You may be feeling an urgent need to take action, stimulated by how you feel you are perceived today. Mars and the Moon will prompt another look at a matter you feel a little defensive about, just as Venus, your ruler, meets Jupiter. Don’t worry about what others think. Stay true and kind and any tension will soon be resolved.
Want an in-depth forecast for this week? Call 0905 789 0307.
(October 24 – November 22)
A strong tool is visualisation. When we picture something, we lend it power. Yesterday’s Full Moon guides you to focus on where you’re heading, while reminding you that you have more choice than you realise. If you’re pondering taking a passion to the next level, Mars’s influence encourages you to go for it. Venus and Jupiter bring opportunities for learning or travel, but don’t overcommit. Focus on the possibilities that resonate most deeply with your heart.
Want an in-depth forecast for this week? Call 0905 789 0308.

Jemima Cainer (pictured) says that if you’re feeling overwhelmed today, let yourself float on the waves and trust that calmer seas will soon carry you to shore again
(November 23 – December 21)
the longer things go unsaid, or issues are left unaddressed, the more power we imagine they have. When we avoid a problem, we might imagine it will go away on its own. Sometimes, that works. Today, though, a square aspect between your retrograde ruler Jupiter, and Venus suggests boundaries may need to be readdressed, which helps you to give generously and to do what is right. By finding a middle ground, you’ll strengthen connections and create space for mutual growth.
Want an in-depth forecast for this week? Call 0905 789 0309.
(December 22 – January 20)
When emotions run high, they impact our energy levels. It’s not only physical exertion that leaves us tired, but the work it takes to go through a process emotionally too. You are being encouraged today to take decisive action that will leave you better off. Don’t berate yourself for finding this tough — it is. Luckily, it is nothing you, a strong and capable Capricorn, cannot handle. Don’t expect too much of yourself today, just be gentle and give yourself the same kindness you show to others.
Want an in-depth forecast for this week? Call 0905 789 0310.
(January 21 – February 19)
When faced with a grey sky it can be easy to feel uninspired. But no matter how grey things get, or how dry the well of encouragement may seem, life has a way of providing inevitable contrast. The sun always peeks back through again. Rain, even in a desert, will eventually fall. Your planetary ruler Uranus is connecting harmoniously to the Sun today, bringing you the kind of breakthrough you can really rely on. Trust that grey skies will soon shift into a clear and beautiful vista.
Want an in-depth forecast for this week? Call 0905 789 0311.
(February 20 – March 20)
Sometimes our progress is limited by the reality of what we have to work with. It’s no good trying to paint a mural if you don’t have a big enough wall. As frustrating as it is to come against a boundary that you can’t currently change, these are often the moments which prompt creative genius to break through. Venus is squaring retrograde Jupiter today from your sign. You don’t have to give up on any dream, but you may have to recognise what is practical right now.
Want an in-depth forecast for this week? Call 0905 789 0312.
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