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NATO celebrates its 75th anniversary: ​​South Korea, Japan and Australia, these Pacific countries which are increasing the signs of rapprochement

NATO celebrates its 75th anniversary: ​​South Korea, Japan and Australia, these Pacific countries which are increasing the signs of rapprochement

Cairo: Hani Kamal El-Din


However, NATO membership is not yet popular in South Korea and it is not a very present subject in public debates either. Especially since China is using all its influence to limit its neighbor’s cooperation with the Atlanticist Organization. The priority in Seoul is above all to strengthen the beginning of the trilateral alliance with Washington and Tokyo. The government wants in particular to establish mechanisms that would make it possible to perpetuate this alliance beyond a political alternation. The democratic opposition is indeed not in favor of rapprochement with Japan and alignment with the West. And then, around the conflict in Europe, Yoon Suk-yeol remains cautious: if he sells his weapons to the countries supporting Kiev, he refuses to supply them directly to Ukraine. So if we remain quite far from a possible mutual defense treaty with NATO member countries, we should see continued participation by Seoul in summits as well as extensive military collaboration in the coming years.

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