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Urgent.. Facts are revealed in the Iranian strike on Israel

Urgent.. Facts are revealed in the Iranian strike on Israel

 While Israel tried to control the media and prevent the publication of the truth about the Iranian strikes on the Zionist entity, the truth began to unfold quickly less than 24 hours after the Iranian attack.

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Iran fired 7 hypersonic Fatah missiles at Israel



American military expert Scott Ritter reported that Seven hypersonic Fatah missiles struck at least the Israeli Nevatim air base, and none of them were intercepted by Israeli air defense systems.


Iran carried out the attack last night. At approximately 23:00 local time Iran, in a retaliatory operation against Israel, four waves of drone attacks were carried out. 

The Iranian Revolutionary Guard said that the attack included the launch of a series of cruise missiles and ballistic missiles, Accompanied by drone strikes and missiles from resistance axis groups from Iraq, Yemen, and Lebanon.

The ballistic missiles used are of the Khaybar Shikan type, which are medium-range solid-fuel missiles. These missiles are capable of covering a distance of 1,450 kilometers and are equipped with a warhead weighing half a ton, and are characterized by high maneuverability in the final stage of the flight.

In addition, hypersonic Fatah missiles were used.


It is noteworthy that the Israeli Nevatim Air Base is in the Negev Desert in occupied Palestine, and is the main base for the Israeli and American-made F-35 stealth aircraft.

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