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Urgent: Winners and losers in the Iranian strike on Israel

Urgent: Winners and losers in the Iranian strike on Israel

According to Israeli estimates, Iran launched 170 drones, more than 30 cruise missiles, and 120 ballistic missiles at Israel.


A strike whose content is known to the military and experts


If we accept for the sake of argument that the Israeli, American, British, and French air forces shot down” The vast majority of missiles and drones are Iranian. It fell on the Nevatim air base in southern occupied Palestine, causing only structural damage, the nature of which was not revealed, claiming that the base was operating and continuing its operations after the attack, while the planes continued to use the base.


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The question posed by the youngest analyst who knows nothing about military life: Did the three major Western countries, in addition to Israel, succeed in confronting the Iranian strike?< /p>


To answer this question, we must provide some information about Iran’s missile power in order to reach a real conclusion that reveals the future of the conflict, where is it heading… and for whose benefit?


According to Iranian media, Tehran possesses the “Sejjil” missile. Which can travel more than 17 thousand kilometers per hour and with a range of up to 2500 kilometers, and “Khaybar” With a range of up to two thousand kilometers, “Haj Qasim” Which has a range of 1,400 kilometers, and Iran also has “KH-55” cruise missiles. Which is launched from the air and is capable of carrying nuclear warheads and has a range of 3,000 kilometers.

When the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas attacked the Zionist entity on October 7th with about 5,000 missiles, it paralyzed the Israeli missile defense system and was unable to confront the Palestinian missiles.

Military experts know that Iran is capable of launching 20,000 missiles at once and at a very close timing, as it has 185,000 missiles with different ranges. At that time, what will be the state of the defenses of Israel and its allies?

In general, and contrary to the claims of the United States and Israel, Tehran achieved an important victory.

 According to RIA Novosti, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard said that they "successfully destroyed" Important military targets in Israeli territory.

The Iranian Revolutionary Guards statement stated that “to respond to these crimes as previous warnings, and to punish the aggressors, we used strategic reconnaissance capabilities, missiles and drones to attack important military targets in the Zionist entity, and the forces attacked “Israeli forces in the territories it occupied, and successfully destroyed them.” 



This force also sent a strong warning to the United States, stressing that “ “Any support or participation by Washington in actions against Iranian interests will face a strict response.”

The Iranian Revolutionary Guard said that it holds the United States responsible for “evil actions.” To the Israeli government.

At the same time, Iranian state television quoted a statement by the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs as saying: “If necessary, Iran will not hesitate to take further defensive measures to protect its interests against any aggressive acts and the use of unlawful force.” . However, Tehran once again affirms its commitment to the principles of the United Nations, its Charter, and international law.”

The Iranian delegation to the United Nations cited Article 51 of the United Nations Charter regarding the right to self-defense, and said that the Tehran attack came in response to Israeli aggression against diplomatic targets.

"It is possible that Consider this issue closed. – The Iranian delegation said in a comment after the attack.

According to Agence France-Presse, thousands of Iranians took to the streets early Sunday morning, to show support for the Iranian retaliatory attack on Israel. 

A crowd of demonstrators gathered in front of the British Embassy in Tehran. The demonstrators also gathered near the grave of the famous Revolutionary Guard commander, Qassem Soleimani, in the city of Kerman, who was killed in a US drone air strike in 2020 in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad.

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