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An open sit-in by students of Canada’s McGill University to demand severing its relationship with Israel

An open sit-in by students of Canada’s McGill University to demand severing its relationship with Israel

Hundreds of students held an open sit-in on the campus of McGill University in the Canadian city of Montreal, demanding that the university end its financial investments in companies that support the Israeli attacks on Gaza.


And students in McGill University, a banner with the phrase “We will not allow our university to be a partner in genocide,” written on it, demanding support for the Palestinian people and stopping investments in Israel, amid significant security reinforcements outside the campus walls.

The students, who joined, say To their counterparts at American universities, they want the foundation to cut financial ties with Israel in light of the ongoing conflict in Gaza amid the war between Israel and Hamas.

Documents on McGill’s website show that the foundation has investments in military technology companies including That is Lockheed Martin, a defense contractor that sold fighter jets to Israel.

The demonstrators stressed that they were committed to staying until the university complied with their demands. The camp was set up with about 20 tents and multiple fences to form a barrier. Dozens of banners appeared reading, “You are financing genocide.” And “Gaza is free now.”


This comes at a time when sit-ins are sweeping dozens of American universities to demand an end to support for Israel and a halt to the export of weapons to it amid the ongoing killings against civilians in Gaza for more than six months.  

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