
Launch of the first version of "Mediterranean Green Week" In Türkiye to discuss climate, energy and environmental crises

In Turkey, the first edition of the “Mediterranean Green Week: Towards a greener and more resilient Mediterranean region”, organized by the Union for the Mediterranean and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. 


A Union for the Mediterranean statement said today that over a period of three days, about 150 government officials, private sector representatives, members of civil society and scientists will meet to exchange views on how to deal collaboratively with the interconnected climate, energy and environmental crises in the region.


The statement added that after the opening session, which will include speeches from the speakers, especially the Secretary-General of the Union for the Mediterranean, Nasser Kamel, and the head of the OECD office in Istanbul, Ashraf Bouali, and Tatiana Hima, Coordinator of the Mediterranean Action Plan for the United Nations Environment Programme, and Deputy Head of the European Union Delegation to Turkey, Jorgis Vilsinskas.


Attendees will be divided into 20 parallel working groups to discuss multiple topics ranging from the relationship between… Water, Energy, Food and Ecosystems to the latest developments in the field of hydrogen and other aspects of the transition to renewable energy, or green financing mechanisms such as the Blue Mediterranean Partnership, an initiative supported by the Union for the Mediterranean to mobilize at least €1 billion of sustainable investments in the blue economy of the South and East Sea. The Mediterranean.


The conference aims to adopt a whole-of-society approach to confronting threats to sustainability in the region by engaging local authorities, youth, and women to encourage policy-making in line with the needs on the ground.

The various reports on the Mediterranean green economy, green skills and jobs, assist in the decision-making process with science-based evidence while enabling stakeholders to build partnerships and raise awareness of the need for urgent action among citizens.

p>The Secretary General of the Union for the Mediterranean, Nasser Kamel, said: " The Euro-Mediterranean region stands at a crossroads, where environmental challenges emerge, which confirms the need to adhere and insist on achieving the green transformation.

The Secretary-General added that it is necessary to build societies that are aware of the importance of sustainability if we want to meet the challenges before us. Flexibly, the Union for the Mediterranean will continue to do everything in its power to strengthen cooperative efforts and establish new partnerships to achieve this goal.


For his part, the head of the OECD Center in Istanbul said , Ashraf Bouali: “We meet today, to recall our shared responsibility in addressing the environmental, energy, and climate challenges facing the region… and to renew our commitment to promoting sustainable development and cross-border cooperation. Let us take advantage of this opportunity to advance dialogue, develop strategies, and form partnerships that will push moral change towards ( The solid Mediterranean Sea)".

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  • Source of information and images “rosaelyoussef

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