
Pensions: the Unsa-RATP union warns that it will take "very strong decisions" facing "contempt" of the government

Despite “social alert” launched by some of the RATP unions regarding the application of the pension reform, the government seems to be turning a deaf ear: “It will be almost a week since he was arrested and there is radio silence,” assures Arole Lamasse, secretary general of Unsa-RATP, Thursday May 16 on franceinfo. “We are going to make certain decisions which will be very strong” facing “contempt” of the government on the decree implementing the pension reform, he warns.

An agreement was reached between the union organizations and the management of the Régie des transports parisiens on another subject: the granting of bonuses for employees mobilized during the Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games. However, the RATP does not seem safe from a strike this summer on another hot topic, that of pensions. “We have the inter-union meeting soon, we are going to make certain decisions which will be very strong”warns Arole Lamasse.

Trade union organizations believe that the government has not kept its promises regarding the gradual implementation of pension reform. The progressiveness promised at the time under the “grandfather clause” is not verified in the implementing decree, according to the union: “We note that a good part of the employees [de la RATP] take the full force of the two years” additional contributions, a consequence of government reform. “It is unacceptable”, he said. Nearly 70 days before the Olympics, Unsa threatens: “We consider that the State has failed in its commitments, has betrayed its word”explains Arole Lamasse.

For their part, SNCF railway workers have reached an agreement with their management to mitigate the effects of the pension reform and organize the end of their careers. At RATP, mistrust sets in among employees “despite the incredible efforts of our CEO, Mr. Castex”underlines Arole Lamasse. “He assures us that things will be resolved”. “Our CEO tells us that it will be resolved. We trust him. He has always kept his commitments until now. Except that on this subject of pensions, he is not alone in deciding, any Prime Minister he East”, he explained. he said. Arole Lamasse denounces the “contempt” of the government. “We are quite surprised”he adds.

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  • Source of information and images “francetvinfo

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