Middle East

Abdullah bin Zayed meets with Mansour Abbas, member of the Israeli Knesset and head of the United Arab List

Abu Dhabi, 17 May / WAM / His Highness Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Minister of Foreign Affairs, met with His Excellency Dr. Mansour Abbas, Member of the Israeli Knesset and Chairman of the United Arab List.

During the meeting, which was held in Abu Dhabi, they discussed current developments in the Middle East region, the worsening humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip, and the efforts made to reach a ceasefire.

His Highness Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan warned of the dangerous escalation taking place in the region, stressing the need to intensify regional and international efforts to end extremism, tension and increasing violence, and to work towards reaching a ceasefire in a way that contributes to protecting all civilians and preserving their lives.

His Highness stressed that the deteriorating humanitarian conditions in the Gaza Strip require finding urgent and effective solutions to increase the flow of humanitarian aid to civilians in the Strip in an intensive, safe and unhindered manner, noting that the UAE has a firm commitment to stand by the brotherly Palestinian people and support them in all circumstances.

His Highness Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan also stressed the importance of pushing towards finding a serious political horizon for re-negotiating with the aim of achieving comprehensive peace based on the “two-state solution.”

His Highness pointed out that building peace in the region is the way to consolidate the foundations of stability and sustainable security in it and meet the aspirations of its people for comprehensive development and a decent life.

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  • Source of information and images “wam

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