Women's Corner

Backstage AFW at Romance Was Born with Diane Gorgievski

Beauty is a huge part of Australian Fashion Week, and few people work harder than the hair and makeup directors backstage. Diane Gorgievski is one such creative. This season, she’s directed the hair across multiple shows, including the incredible, cyber fever dream Romance Was Born. The hair look was inspired by Blade Runner: slick shapes, high gloss and out-of-this world shapes. But what does into the making of? What does a day on set look like? Gorgievski’s photo diary from the day that was Romance, below.

What time did you wake up this morning?

5:30am to be on set at 7am.


What was the first thing you did ?

Stretched! After long days on my feet, I always need a good morning stretch to start the day.

Morning survival tactic?

What are you wearing for a day backstage?

For long days, its imperative that I am comfy BUT I still love to have fashionable pieces to layer with. This year I picked up some amazing pieces from Tuchuzy; silky sets that look really cool paired with my all time fave Bottega boots.


AFW backstage energy in one word?


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  • Source of information and images “russh

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