Middle East

The Secretary-General of the Abu Dhabi Peace Forum and the US President’s Assistant discuss the efforts of global peacemakers

Washington, May 19 / WAM / The Secretary-General of the Abu Dhabi Peace Forum, Sheikh Al-Mahfouz bin Bayyah, discussed with Professor Melissa Rogers, Special Assistant to US President Joe Biden, and Executive Director of the White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships.

A number of vital issues related to the efforts of global peacemakers and ways to strengthen them in light of the current challenges and the growth of exclusionary discourses.

During Rogers’ reception, Bin Bayyah, at the White House in Washington, the two sides touched on the “New Curiosity Alliance” and the important role it plays within American society and across the world in bringing viewpoints closer, confronting feelings of Islamophobia, hatred and discrimination, and building ongoing cooperation between the leaders of the family’s religions. Abrahamism and other humanist philosophies, based on common moral and human principles.

Rogers affirmed the US administration’s commitment to supporting efforts that seek to promote peace and peaceful coexistence among peoples, noting the leadership of the Abu Dhabi Peace Forum in raising peace issues and launching effective initiatives to combine and coordinate the efforts of peace lovers from different religions and human cultures.

Sheikh Mahfouz bin Bayyah said that the meeting reflects the shared conviction of the sensitivity of the moment that tests the strength of the values ​​of peace and the solidity of the bonds of cooperation and solidarity built by those who love it, stressing that those who love peace must not despair, no matter how loud the voices of hatred and war are, and how faint the voices of peace, reason, religion and values ​​are. The occurrence of tragic events and bloody conflicts, and to not cease calling for reviving the flame of the human conscience that believes in a better tomorrow, dominated by peace and harmony.

He stressed that the forum is launching these coordination endeavors from its commitment to the civilizational vision of the United Arab Emirates, which is based on the principles of openness to the world through the values ​​of peace and tolerance and the principles of respect and human brotherhood, to achieve stability and prosperity for all.

At the conclusion of the meeting, the two sides agreed to continue cooperation and coordination efforts, and to renew their commitment to moving forward on the path of cooperation and understanding.

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  • Source of information and images “wam

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