science and technology

IT revolution: "The quantum computer, there will be a ‘before’ and an ‘after’, it is therefore a challenge today to have one"explains the president of Pasqal

Pasqal, a promising French company, specializes in quantum computing, which makes it possible to develop the most powerful computers in the world. Created four years ago by George-Olivier Reymond with four physicists, it today supports 200 employees, with factories in France and Canada.

Quoted by Emmanuel Macron during the presentation in January 2021 of the French plan for the development of quantum, it managed to raise 100 million euros in investments in 2023. It is the first start-up to benefit from support from the Innovation Fund Defense of the Ministry of the Armed Forces. Pasqal was created four years ago by yourself, with four physicists. Today, there are 200 employees, factories in France and Canada.

franceinfo: George-Olivier Reymond, what does thequantum computing?

George-Olivier Reymond: Quantum computing, as its name suggests, is computing, therefore it is computing, and so-called high performance computing. That is to say, if you are looking to do this with your everyday computer, you will have to put several side by side to achieve the necessary level of performance.

There will be a “before” and an “after”. Things that are impossible today will become possible thanks to quantum calculations.

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  • Source of information and images “francetvinfo

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