
In Poland, 9 people were arrested on suspicion of sabotage ordered by Russia.

Nine people were arrested in Poland; they are suspected of sabotage and sabotage ordered by Russian intelligence services. About this on TVN24 stated Prime Minister of Poland Donald Tusk.

According to the Polish Prime Minister, we are talking about an attempt to arson a paint factory in Wroclaw, sabotage in Lithuania and the arson of an IKEA warehouse.

Tusk claims that the involvement of Russian intelligence services in sabotage “is beyond doubt.” He also called the situation “very serious” and said that similar acts of sabotage were planned in other countries, in particular in Latvia and Sweden.

The accused are citizens of Ukraine, Belarus and Poland. Some of them, as the Polish prime minister claims, are “people from the criminal world.” Tusk added that Poland is working closely with its allies on this issue, and he is pleased with the effective work of the intelligence services.

Previously, Polish President Andrzej Duda statedthat in recent days there have been several serious fires in the country, most likely caused by arson. In his opinion, this “could be an attempt to destabilize the situation in Poland.” Moscow traditionally rejects such statements.

  • A month ago, two people were detained in Poland on suspicion of an attack on Russian opposition leader Leonid Volkov, which took place in Lithuania, as well as the mastermind of the attack on Volkov, an unnamed citizen of Belarus working in the interests of Russia.
  • In December, a Lublin court sentenced 14 foreign citizens accused of spying for Russia. The authorities accused them of preparing sabotage on the railways. They were sentenced to terms ranging from 1 year and a month in prison to six years in prison. Almost all the accused were citizens of Ukraine, most of them insisted on their innocence.
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  • Source of information and images “svoboda

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