Middle East

Urgent: Great Japanese interest in holding the Ramses II Exhibition in Tokyo next year

A press conference was held in which various media and foreign institutions participated this week to announce the official opening date of the archaeological exhibition “King Ramses II and the Treasures of the Pharaohs” It is scheduled to be held in Japan during the period from March 2025 for several months.


The conference witnessed a wide presence of many Japanese and foreign media agencies in view of the special importance that the event reflects as it establishes a strong return to exhibitions. The Egyptian Foreign Ministry is in Japan after an absence of more than 10 years, and given the great archaeological value of the historical era covered by its archaeological exhibits, which have never been displayed in Japan or in Asia before.


Distinction The conference, with a unique and strong Egyptian and Japanese presence, shed light on the ancient Egyptian civilization and highlighted the importance of Egyptian-Japanese relations on the cultural level, especially with the participation of Dr. Zahi Hawass, former Minister of Antiquities, Dr. Muhammad Ismail, Secretary General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, along with  Yuriko Koike, Tokyo Governor, and the Egyptian Ambassador to Japan, Mohamed Abu Bakr. The event was also attended by many Egyptologists in Japan, led by “Sakuzji Yoshimura.” Head of the Japanese archaeological excavation team from Waseda University In addition to a group of members of the diplomatic corps in Tokyo.


Dr. began. The conference senses pointed to the great historical values ​​of this exhibition, which will deal with a cultural and human heritage that recalls the greatness of ancient Egyptian civilization and at the same time reviews the historical aspect of its most prominent king, who is called the “King of Kings.” Who documented his achievements throughout his reign with many huge and towering statues that no one had preceded him in designing.


Dr. also renewed. Hawass invited attendees to visit Egypt during the coming period due to the important archaeological discoveries it will witness, most notably the opening of the tomb of King Ramesses II. In addition to revealing what the secret passages in the “Khufu” pyramid contain. Which he hopes will eventually lead to the king’s archaeological tomb, in addition to the pyramid of King “Houni.” Which was discovered in coordination with the Japanese captain’s team and dates back to 4200 BC.


Dr. also spoke. Mohamed Ismail, Secretary General of the Council of Antiquities, spoke about the long history of Egyptian cooperation with Japan in the field of organizing foreign exhibitions, explaining that the current exhibition will be considered the most prominent and important among the exhibitions that were organized previously, in connection with the unique artifacts that the exhibition will include to address the various aspects of the life of King Ramesses. The second "  The greatest kings of ancient Egypt leave Egyptian lands for the first time through this exhibition, which Tokyo is its sixth stop after a traveling display of its holdings that spanned four years in museums in the United States of America, France, Germany, and Australia.


Dr. confirmed. Ismail also stressed the great tourism return that this exhibition is expected to reflect on the frameworks of bilateral cooperation between Egypt and Japan, as it will contribute to stimulating the incoming tourism movement to Japan from Asian countries and will, on the other hand, enhance the rates of Japanese tourism coming to Egypt, especially with the opening of the large museum, which is currently being prepared to receive Visitors from all over the world, including the Japanese tourist known for his intense passion for ancient Egyptian civilization.


For his part, he explained  Ambassador Mohamed Abu Bakr, Ambassador of the United Arab Emirates in Tokyo, stressed the importance of the event as it will be considered the third most prominent Egyptian exhibition in the history of organizing Egyptian foreign exhibitions in Japan, which extends for more than sixty years. It will also document an important historical stage in ancient Egypt and will work greatly. To strengthen the frameworks of cultural exchange with Egypt, along with increasing the numbers of incoming tourism to both countries, especially since the exhibition will coincide with the upcoming opening of the Grand Egyptian Museum, which Japan played a pivotal role in supporting its construction efforts.


He also discussed the various existing cooperation frameworks between Egypt and Japan, which gained exceptional momentum with the recent announcement of upgrading bilateral relations between the two countries to the strategic level following the Japanese Prime Minister’s visit to Egypt in April 2023.

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Concluded  "Yuriko Koike" The Governor of Tokyo stressed the importance of the great cultural impact of this event, which will address a unique part of Egypt’s ancient history, and its opening coincides with the 35th anniversary of the twinning agreement concluded between the governorates of Cairo and Tokyo. In the same regard, she also expressed her happiness at the imminent opening of the Grand Egyptian Museum, which will To add momentum to the close relations between the two countries.

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  • Source of information and images “rosaelyoussef

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