
UNRWA: 800 thousand people "They were forced to flee" From Rafah


 The Commissioner-General of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees, UNRWA, confirmed on Saturday that 800,000 people were “forced to flee.” From Rafah in the far south of the Gaza Strip since the start of Israeli military operations in the city this month.


Philip Lazzarini said on the XN platform: “Nearly half of Rafah’s population or 800,000 people are on the road, having been forced to flee since Israeli forces began the military operation in the area on May 6. The United Nations had warned of a “major” disaster. In the event that Israel launches a direct attack on the city, where about 1.4 million people are gathered, the majority of whom are displaced. Israel asked residents of several areas in Rafah to evacuate and go to the “humanitarian zone.” Which she said she established in Al-Mawasi, northwest of Rafah, despite humanitarian organizations warning that they were unable to receive additional numbers of displaced people.  

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  • Source of information and images “rosaelyoussef

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