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Charles III, facing cancer: his terrible revelation

After the death of Queen Elizabeth, the royal family was struck by two cancers: that of Kate Middleton and that of Charles III. Visiting with Prince William, Harry’s father made a sad confession about the illness…

The disease can strike anyone. And unfortunately it is not Charles III who will say the opposite… Visiting the British Air Force military base this Monday, the king spoke about the side effects of his treatment for the disease.

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Have a cancer at 75 necessarily lightens the king’s official schedule. Last January, a prostate problem took him to the hospital and that’s where he discovered he had the disease. However, Charles III has resumed official visits since the end of April, which suggests that his condition is improving. This May 13, he was alongside his son, Prince William, for a visit to the British army aeronautical center at Middle Wallop, in Hampshire.

A ceremony was held in honor of the eldest son of Charles III: the king awarded the title of Colonel-in-Chief of the Air Corps of the British Army to William. Sidelined since his withdrawal from the royal family, Prince Harry was nevertheless part of this regiment and had also visited his father a few days ago. But the latter, too busy, did not have time to receive it. In a statement, the Duke of Sussex said he understood his father’s imperatives as king.

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In the mood to confide, Charles III then spoke with members of the team present on site. As reported by Daily Mail, spoke at length with one of the veterans, Aaron Mapplebeck. The two spoke about their illness, as the veteran had also suffered from testicular cancer and had undergone chemotherapy. He then lost his sense of taste.

A sad common point: Charles III confirmed to the former soldier, Aaron Mapplebeck, that he had also lost his sense of taste because of his treatment for cancer. However, Buckingham Palace, as well as the king, have not disclosed the precise nature of his illness, nor the treatment followed. This is also the case for Kate Middleton, who also did not go into detail regarding her cancer.

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  • Source of information and images “journaldesfemmes

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