Women's Corner

Arielle Dombasle and BHL no longer wear their wedding rings: “Everything is so fragile…”

Arielle Dombasle and Bernard-Henri Lévy have been in perfect love for several decades. And yet, the singer and the philosopher no longer have the ring on their finger. But why then?

Between Arielle Dombasle and Bernard-Henri Lévy, the flame has been burning for more than thirty years and their story is not about to end! The 66-year-old singer (according to her), who is releasing her new album icons on May 24, spoke without filter about her relationship with the 75-year-old writer, on the microphone of the podcast Current wife. What is the secret to the longevity of your relationship?

Arielle Dombasle and BHL: why they don’t wear a wedding ring

Arielle Dombasle doesn’t hide it: in addition to being in love with her man, she admires “absolutely everything” at home. The blonde siren has a long list of qualities that she appreciates in her darling who is used to scenes of conflict around the world, “her deep melancholy, her thoughts, her delicacy with her, her courage, her ethics, her firepower, and her writing of course“.

If the two lovebirds were married on June 19, 1993 at the town hall of Saint-Paul-de-Vence, where Yves Montand and Simone Signoret had also sealed their love, they do not wear a wedding ring today. But there is a good reason for this! The spouses would simply have each lost their ring. “Bernard-Henri during the war in Sarajevo and me at sea, in the Pacific, the alliance left and we said to ourselves: ‘Well that doesn’t matter‘”, she explained, thus indicating that their relationship is much stronger than a simple piece of jewelry! “Our love goes so far beyond all that“, she confirmed.

Arielle Dombasle: how does she make her relationship last?

As on the first day, Bernard Henri-Lévy continues to seduce his girlfriend and vice versa: “I always try to surprise him (…) Everything is so fragile, I never take anything for granted“. A few years ago, she surprised her husband by participating in the show Crazy Horse. “I had presented him with a fait accompli. He came to see me but it’s not so nice to see his wife more than semi-naked singing. But on the other hand he was proud“, she said in the show As an aside.

Furthermore, despite all these years of living together, Arielle Dombasle and her husband still worship each other! “Phonetically, I find ‘you’ pretty, it’s like a caress“, detailed with Current wife the one who thus reproduces the habits that her own parents had established. In conclusion, to keep the flame alive in your relationship, the naiad of Big heads has some advice:Each woman must feel this particularity within herself and divine the unconscious of the other in a certain way and flow into the phantasmagoria of the other.” Fastoche!

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  • Source of information and images “journaldesfemmes

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