Middle East

Amna Al Dahak: Promoting biodiversity is a pillar for restoring mother nature and achieving sustainable development in the Emirates

ABU DHABI, May 21 / WAM / Her Excellency Dr. Amna bint Abdullah Al Dahhak, Minister of Climate Change and Environment, confirmed that enhancing biodiversity is a major pillar of efforts to restore Mother Nature and the ecosystem, which enhances the UAE’s efforts to confront climate change through nature-based solutions, and preserve… Environment, and achieving sustainable development in all sectors.

Her Excellency said, in a statement on the occasion of the International Day for Biological Diversity, which falls on May 22 of each year, that the International Day for Biological Diversity is being held this year under the slogan (Be Part of the Plan) to call on all partners to stop the loss of biological diversity, noting that this slogan is in line with the country’s approach. The UAE is committed to involving all concerned parties and the private sector in relevant efforts, while giving greater priority to all members of society to be part of the work and change and lead the path towards returning to the embrace of Mother Nature, which represents our present and future.

Her Excellency added: Nature represents the first line of defense for achieving economic and social development in the UAE and the world, because of its great importance in preserving natural resources and environmental balance and confronting the effects of climate change. Therefore, the loss of biodiversity is a real threat to humans and the planet, and the world has witnessed a huge decline in The number of wildlife has increased by 69% over the past fifty years, as a direct result of deforestation and desertification processes. Human activities have also changed the nature of more than 70% of all ice-free lands on the surface of the Earth, as the loss of more wildlife and their facing greater danger threatens Extinction.

She stressed that enhancing biodiversity is a top priority for the Emirates, as the country is home to 49 protected areas rich in biodiversity and endangered species. It also attaches special importance to increasing mangrove forests because of their major role as natural carbon reservoirs and their role in protecting the coastal environment, by pledging to plant 100 million trees. Crimea by 2030 as part of its efforts to confront climate change and enhance biodiversity.

She concluded by saying that biodiversity received a special priority on the agenda of the COP28 Conference of the Parties, which concluded with the historic UAE agreement, which emphasized the crucial role of nature and ecosystems in the global strategy to confront climate change, within the decision to respond to the global toll, which focused on the importance of integration between nature and biodiversity in facing challenges. Climate, noting that in addition, the conference approved the “COP28 Joint Statement on Climate, Nature and Humanity” and received the support of 18 countries and 11 biodiversity partnerships, and financial contributions during the major event reached $2.6 billion in the field of nature protection.

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