
Dina Meshref rises to 23rd place in the world table tennis rankings

The world table tennis rankings issued today, Tuesday, saw Dina Meshref, the Egyptian national team player and African champion, advance 3 places to rank No. 23 in the world.


Dina Meshref was crowned the table tennis champion. won the African Cup title after defeating her compatriot Maryam Al-Hudaibi in a marathon match with a score of 4-3 in the rounds.


Dina Meshref was able to qualify for the women’s singles final in the African Cup of Table Tennis by defeating Her opponent, Nigerian Offiong Edem, was four games without a response.


Egyptian table tennis player Maryam Al-Hudaibi was able to qualify for the final of the Women’s African Table Tennis Cup after defeating her compatriot Hana Gouda, ranked (31st). Internationally).


Maryam Al-Hudaibi defeated Hana Jouda in four games without a response.  

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  • Source of information and images “rosaelyoussef

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