
" International Energy": $200 billion investments " Clean technology" In 2023

Abu Dhabi, May 21 / WAM / The International Energy Agency reported in its latest report this month that the volume of clean technology manufacturing investment around the world reached 200 billion US dollars during 2023, an increase of more than 70%, compared to 2022.

The report explained that solar photovoltaic energy and batteries led the increase achieved in vital industry, by about 90% of total manufacturing, revealing that the volume of solar photovoltaic energy investments reached $80 billion in 2023, while battery investments reached $110 billion, while the remaining percentage was distributed in… Other energies.

The report stated that China accounted for three quarters of the total investments in this field, pointing out that the pipeline of clean energy projects is expanding faster, as clean manufacturing capacity is expected to achieve the necessities of the “net zero by 2030” scenario and ahead of time, supported by cells. Solar PV.

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