Middle East

Health tips to protect citizens from the complications of the heat wave in the coming days

The Ministry of Health and Population issued a number of tips to protect citizens from health complications resulting from the wave of high temperatures and the dust-laden winds that they will be exposed to during the coming days, according to the forecasts of the Meteorological Authority.


Dr. Hossam Abdel Ghaffar, the official spokesman for the Ministry of Health and Population, stressed the importance of drinking plenty of water and natural juices, not being exposed to sunlight for long periods, and wearing light, loose-fitting, cotton clothing.

«Abdul Ghaffar&raquo continued; It is necessary to close the windows of homes and workplaces well during the daylight hours to block the sun’s rays and avoid the entry of dust, while using fans and coolers, and reopening the windows at night to ventilate the places.

Abdul Ghaffar advised: Elderly citizens, those with chronic diseases, and children should not leave the house during the peak hours of the heat wave, except for necessity, explaining that in the event of an urgent need to go out, direct exposure to the sun should be avoided  As much as possible, use a hat to protect the head from the heat, and drink plenty of water before feeling thirsty.

Abdul Ghaffar confirmed: It is necessary to go immediately to the nearest hospital if you feel symptoms of heat stress, to receive the necessary medical care, explaining that the symptoms of heat stress include (headache, dizziness, cramps in the feet and hands, excessive sweating with pale and clammy skin, nausea or loss of appetite, rapid pulse, and high temperature. Body temperature to 38 degrees, extreme thirst and loss of consciousness.

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  • Source of information and images “rosaelyoussef

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