Middle East

Japan records a trade deficit of 462.5 billion "yen" During April

Tokyo, May 22 / WAM / Government data showed, today, Wednesday, that Japan recorded a trade deficit of 462.51 billion yen ($3 billion) during last April, against the backdrop of the rise in crude oil prices and the sharp decline in the value of the local currency, the yen, which strengthened the value of… Imports.
The Japanese Kyodo News Agency reported that exports rose for the fifth month in a row by 8.3%, reaching 8.98 trillion yen, in light of continued strong demand for cars, which is a record high for the month of April. Imports also rose by 8.3%, reaching 9.44 trillion yen, while the The largest increase ever during the aforementioned month.

It is noteworthy that the goods that are the locomotive of Japanese exports are hybrid cars, semiconductor manufacturing equipment, and chips.


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  • Source of information and images “wam

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