Women's Corner

“A last word to Alain, this man who attacked me…”

Comedian and actor Tristan Lopin has just finished touring his show “Irréprochable” and, very moved, he shared a poignant message on social networks.

Comedian Tristan Lopin was the victim of rape at just 13 years old. The artist, now 37 years old, decided to turn it into a strength. He spoke about it openly, notably in a recent message posted on his social networks.

This abyss into which you plunged me”

After more than 200 dates of his show entitled Impeccable, Tristan Lopin wanted to thank the public as he finished his tour; we can currently find him in the series Terminal on Canal + “Thank you a thousand times to you for coming, for taking your tickets to come listen to me and laugh with me about what I never thought I would one day be able to laugh about.” he explains on his X account (formerly Twitter).

It concerns her rape, discussed in the one man show. At age 13, he was sexually assaulted by a 35-year-old man. “A final word to Alain, this man who attacked me the year I was 13: You tore me away from my childhood, you took away my innocence. I will never know what it’s like to live without all the memories of you haunting me, but know one thing: this pit you plunged me into, I got out of it.” he said. “He is there next to me, I keep him. Not by choice. I have no choice, it’s there. But I don’t look away from it because it reminds me to never give up. Never”, adds Tristan Lopin.

His injuries become a strength for his show!

When he is alone, Tristan Lopin admits to thinking about “depression, fear of abandonment, my rape“. But it was in this heavy state of mind that he wrote his second show. “I started writing this show in my 25 m2, alone, during confinement and as I was coming out of a period during which I encountered depths of sadness on a daily basis”.

Impeccable became a more authentic spectacle in his eyes: “At worst it doesn’t work, I can’t make people laugh about it, it doesn’t touch and it won’t be serious because I will have done what I wanted. Really. Without filter”.

Tristan Lopin filed a complaint against his attacker, five years after the events. The latter was sentenced to two years’ suspended prison sentence as well as a fine of 5,000 euros. “I was able to afford… a Dyson! Little lucky guy that I am, he mentioned on the airwaves of France Inter. Humor is above all a desire to make people proud “this little wounded boy who still lives inside me, who was afraid of everything, of everyone and of never doing well”.

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  • Source of information and images “journaldesfemmes

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