Middle East

Mostaqbal Watan launches a leadership program to qualify youth in cooperation with the American University

Representative Ahmed Abdel Jawad, Vice President of the Mostaqbal Watan Party, and Secretary of the Organization, announced the launch of the “Riyadah” program, explaining that it is one of the advanced programs offered by the Mostaqbal Watan Party in cooperation with the American University, to qualify young people.

He added "Abdel-Gawad" During his speech at the conference held this evening, in the presence of the Minister of Youth and Sports, Dr. Ashraf Sobhi, and Counselor Abdel Wahab Abdel Razzaq, head of the party, he stated that the program provides advanced courses at the American University in leadership skills, political science, economics, media, and management, for groups of young people who are selected according to objective criteria.

He stressed that the Mostaqbal Watan Party, which was launched in its beginnings relying on youth cadres, is still continuing its path with the spirit and strength of youth, and the wisdom of the adults of its leaders, which provide an umbrella that nurtures the success of the youth experience and continuously pushes it forward, and in doing so it is an exceptional priority. In all its activities and initiatives for this age group, which is the true guarantor of the future of this country.

He continued: In this context, the Riyada program comes, as part of the party’s initiatives towards supporting the state policy that has been working since President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi assumed the responsibility of ruling in preparation for The way forward is for a new generation to be empowered cognitively and politically in order to create a better future for itself, its society, and its country.

He explained that the youth period is a critical stage in the process of building an individual’s personality and capabilities. This period of life is driven by energy, imagination, adventures, big dreams, curiosity, and creativity… but it is also a period dominated by uncertainty, emotional turmoil, and conflict with goals. Therefore, it is a stage that requires extreme caution, looking with open eyes, and planning every step. Here, it is our responsibility not to leave young people prey to emptiness and lack of confidence. Knowledge and distraction… Rather, we must help them plan for their future, enable them to play the correct role in life… and even give them space to excel and make them in the nature of change and innovation. 

He continued:  We all bear witness that it is not possible to make any real modernizations in any country, achieve development, or make progress without the active and effective participation of the younger generation… and what is even more dangerous is that it is not possible to talk about a secure future without them. 

< p>He said: We, in the Mostaqbal Watan Party, work to empower young people to be agents of change within their local communities and contribute to the progress movement in the country, through three axes: education and skills, and practical experiences to work for the sake of Egypt, pointing out in addition to scientific and skills qualification programs such as Reyadah Programme, the party works to involve young people in projects that address societal issues and problems in villages, cities, and neighborhoods, not only for the purpose of providing practical experiences for this age group, but also to instill awareness and a sense of social responsibility in them.

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  • Source of information and images “rosaelyoussef

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