Women's Corner

This singer appeals to him after years of no news

Sophie Marceau has always been France’s favorite actress. But she doesn’t just have acting skills. A famous singer assures her, she is also made for singing! He is even ready to help her…

Sophie Marceau is on all fronts. She spoke vigorously to defend the inclusion of abortion in the constitution by responding openly to the president of the senate, Gérard Larcher and was one of the celebrities invited to the dinner at the Élysée in honor of the president’s visit Chinese Xi Jinping in France on May 6. Of course, she continues to shine thanks to her acting career. Maybe we’ll hear him singing on the radio soon? Remember that the actress shared a duet with François Valéry in 1981 with Dream in Blue. And the singer is ready to do it again. He even launched an appeal to the star revealed in The party

François Valéry: his proposal to Sophie Marceau… “If she wants to sell records…”

François Valéry explains why he only shared one song (for which he actually composed the music) with Sophie Marceau. “It didn’t really come across and I don’t think it’s really her thing. Well, she thinks it’s not her thing, but I think it’s her thing“, he said on C8.

Very sure of himself, the sixty-year-old even thinks he is the person best placed to help him move towards singing: “If she wants to sell records, it’s only me who can make her sell them“. Amused by his guest’s cheeky response, Jordan de Luxe then asked him if he wanted to repeat the experience with her. And the answer was clear: “Oh yeah. Who wouldn’t want to?“. A bottle in the sea…

Does François Valéry still have contact with Sophie Marceau?

François Valéry knew Sophie Marceau when she started in the cinema for their duo and he even met her family. The composer said: “It’s a girl’s love. We had very friendly, very strong relationships. I knew his parents well. Wonderful people.” It is on the occasion of a photo report for Paris Match that the idea of ​​singing together came to them.

We were asked to pose together. At the time, Sophie and I regularly appeared on the covers of magazines for young people. She as a beginner actress and me as a popular artist. I suggested the title to him in a joking tone, like: ‘Hey, would you like if we recorded it together?’ he told Gala.

But are they still in contact? “Oh it’s been a long time since I saw him“, he replied. It is true that the actress is very busy, but the composer does not seem to hold it against her. He understands well that his busy schedule does not allow him to see everyone: “It’s a star“.

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  • Source of information and images “journaldesfemmes

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