
Taliban deploys 10,000 fighters to the border

Afghan Armed Forces Chief of Staff Kari Faseeluddin said periods. The Taliban has deployed about 10,000 fighters on the border between Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.

He promised that the army, armed with US and NATO equipment, would repel any armed action. He stressed that this “mighty force” will be supported by aircraft in the near future.

The Taliban want to settle in the provinces bordering Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. The last republic did not begin to establish relations with Kabul and supports the remnants of the resistance that hid on its territory during the seizure of power in Afghanistan.

This part of the border is considered the longest and most mountainous and difficult to control. Most of the drug smuggling goes through it to Russia and Europe. At the same time, the Tajik army is considered the weakest in Central Asia.

According to analysts, given the terrorist status of the Taliban, their interest in the region is alarming. And that any attempts to interfere in Central Asia would mean interfering in the region of Russia’s strategic interests.

The expert stressed that Moscow will have to respond to what is happening. The wrong decision can be very costly.

Earlier it became known that the Taliban disrupted the celebration of Valentine’s Day in Kabul. They dispersed florists and their buyers. Several people were arrested. In Islamic traditions, this holiday is absent.


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