
Russian forces control the northern part of the city of Volchansk

Vitaly Ganchev, head of the Russian administration of Kharkov Province, said on Tuesday, “Russian forces have completely liberated the northern part of the city of Volchansk.”

Ganchev added – according to Sputnik news agency – “Our men control about 40% of the city. They penetrated deep into the Ukrainian defenses, expelled the enemy from the region, improved their positions, and continued to advance towards the Volcia River.” , which divides the city into two parts.”

According to Ganchev, the city of Volchansk remains the hottest point in the region. This May, the forces of the Sevre Group (North) began advancing deep into the defenses of the Ukrainian forces in the city of Kharkov, and have already liberated 13 villages.

The General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, in turn, admitted that the Ukrainian units are in this region It was forced to retreat to more fortified positions.

According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, yesterday the Ukrainian Armed Forces lost up to 380 soldiers in battles with the forces of the “North” group.

At the same time Previously, Russian President Vladimir Putin said in a press conference during his visit to China: “The Russian army currently has no plans to seize the city of Kharkov, and Putin placed responsibility for what is happening in Kharkov on the shoulders of the Ukrainian armed forces.”

For its part, the General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces announced today, Tuesday, the recording of 112 combat clashes on the battlefield with the Russian army during the past 24 hours, most of which took place in the strategic Pokrovsk sector.

The authority stated – in a press statement carried by the agency News "Ucrinform" The official Ukrainian newspaper said that the Russian army carried out 6 missile attacks and 970 air strikes with “Shahed” drones. And "Lancet" He launched 52 missiles and 63 guided bombs at the positions of Ukrainian forces and populated areas. As a result of the Russian attacks, there were deaths and injuries among Ukrainian forces and the civilian population, and a number of residential buildings and other civilian infrastructure facilities were destroyed or damaged.

The statement added that at the same time, Ukrainian soldiers continue to inflict losses. With Russian army forces and their equipment; Which led to its exhaustion along the entire front line, and over the course of yesterday, the Russians lost 52 pieces of weapons and military equipment.

On a related note, Romanian President Klaus Iohannis announced on Tuesday that he had discussed during telephone discussions with the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky, supported Ukraine, in addition to the priorities of the upcoming NATO summit and security in the Black Sea.

Iohannis said – via the social media network X- " I just had a comprehensive telephone conversation with Volodymyr Zelensky, focusing on our continued support for Ukraine, the priorities of the upcoming NATO summit and strengthening overall security in the Black Sea,” Iohannis also expressed Romania’s commitment to the Ukrainian formula for peace. The Romanian President indicated that he is ready to discuss the issue of supplying Ukraine with the Patriot air defense system

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  • Source of information and images “rosaelyoussef

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