Middle East

Mufti of the Republic: The spread of violence and terrorism, past and present, occurred due to deviation from religious teachings

 Dr. Shawqi Allam, Mufti of the Republic, Head of the General Secretariat of Fatwa Boards and Fatwa Bodies in the World, said that the spread of violence and terrorism in the past and in the present did not occur because of religions, but rather because of deviation from the teachings of true religions, which call for coexistence, tolerance, respect for others, and respect for diversity.< /p>


He added during his keynote speech at the activities of the Kayside Forum for Global Dialogue, held in the Portuguese capital, “Lisbon” During the period from May 14 to 16, this forum represents a correct response to the calls and requirements of the complex and intertwined reality that the world is living in now due to the spread of conflicts, strife, internal and external war, and the aggravation of crises. It is the duty of rational nations today, with their knowledge and thought, to be an impenetrable wall to protect nations. And peoples from the chaos that destroys reality and threatens the future, stressing that the union of religious leaders under this blessed umbrella “Kayside” In order to correct concepts and treat the real causes of violence and terrorism, it will contribute to reducing these hateful phenomena.

His Eminence the Mufti pointed out that one of the features of the call of Islam is that it is a call open to both worlds, seeking goodness, security, and peace for all of humanity. Islam is a religion that glorifies Commonalities between religions are complete. God Almighty said in His Holy Book:   (And say, “We believe in that which was revealed to us, and it was revealed to you. Our God and your God is One, and to Him we submit.”) Islam also promotes the value of understanding and peaceful coexistence between All people, without distinction on any religious or ethnic basis, God Almighty says ( O people, we created you from a male and a female and made you into peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most honorable of you in the sight of God is the most pious of you. Indeed, God is All-Knowing, All-Aware ) .

He continued: Islam has established, throughout its long history, a moral human civilization that expanded all sects, philosophies and civilizations, and all nations participated in its construction. And cultures  And that we as Muslims have absorbed the pluralism of civilizations, and we as Muslims are proud of our civilization, but we do not deny other civilizations. Everyone who works for constructive development in the world is our partner in compliance with the Almighty’s saying (And cooperate in righteousness and piety, but do not cooperate in sin and aggression), pointing out that the responsibilities that There are grave responsibilities and arduous tasks on the shoulders of religious leaders. There are many evil forces with enormous potential that want to drag the world into a turning point of conflict and conflict that never ends, and there are good forces working to resist this trend towards evil and violence, and so that our efforts will result in what achieves good. And peace for the whole world. We must put in place serious programs and define goals and priorities, and then go to work with love, earnestness and cooperation among us. The value of sincere love among us is enough to make the establishment of this great alliance represent a major civilizational shift in the history of humanity.

In the same context, His Eminence the Mufti stressed that the responsibility of religious leaders in promoting interfaith dialogue is not limited to a mere moral obligation, but rather is an urgent necessity to ensure the unity of the fabric of human society and save future generations from falling into the clutches of extremism, hatred, violence and fanaticism.

He also pointed out the efforts of the “Egyptian Fatwa House” In previous periods, we launched urgent plans to unite, consolidate brotherhood, and reject hatred in the field of fatwa. We established the General Secretariat for the role of fatwa and bodies in the world to engage in dialogue and cooperation on righteousness and piety, and to unite muftis in love and peace and to reject hatred locally and globally. Just as the Egyptian House of Fatwa and the General Secretariat for the role of fatwa in the world were keen To translate these values ​​into its activities, fatwas, statements, initiatives and various global conferences, and will intensify our efforts with Aoun during the coming period for greater coordination with our partners in the East and West to build bridges and cooperate for the benefit of the country and the people.

At the end of his speech, he expressed his thanks. To those in charge of the forum, calling on God Almighty to help everyone spread the culture of coexistence, security and peace among all of humanity, and to strengthen the resolve to uproot fanaticism, extremism and violence from the minds of all of humanity, stressing that humanity needs to live in security, peace and cooperation. So that goodness may spread to everyone from everyone

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  • Source of information and images “rosaelyoussef

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