Women's Corner

the singer disappointed in the face of messages of incredible violence

Singer Hoshi has been the subject of threats since her concert at a Normandy festival on May 17, the world day marking the fight against LBGT-phobia. She was the victim of extremely violent homophobic remarks…

Friday May 17, the world celebrated World LGBT-phobia Day. A day to raise awareness of issues related to sexual orientation and gender identity. That same day, star Hoshi performed at the Papillons de Nuit festival in Saint-Laisent-de-Cuves, in Normandy and wanted to mark the symbolic date. A gesture which triggered a surge of hatred on the web.

Hoshit experiences “hell” facing death threats

Hoshi was performing alongside rapper SCH and DJs Lost Frequencies. When it’s time to sing Censored love, two rainbows were pointing in the distance. The star waved an LGBT flag in front of her audience and immortalized the moment in a photo, which she then shared on her Twitter account. “I think the sky was on our side tonight.”, she emphasized with joy. A pleasure not shared with all Internet users. Indeed, Hoshi has been the target of numerous criticisms and insults. “ May 17 was the world day against LGBTphobia and when we played Amour censure on stage there were two rainbows“, lamented the star on Twitter this Monday, May 20.

Among the comments, some expressed their annoyance. “Rain+sun=rainbow. Nothing to do with LGBT”. Others, however, have made threats or even called for terrorism. “This is where we need terrorists”, “A helicopter with a machine gun”, “A bomb, end”can we read on the singer’s publication.

Comments which deeply shocked the 27-year-old star, who denounced the impunity of its perpetrators: “In France in 2024 we can publicly comment on posts with homophobic remarks, death threats, threats to commit an attack. (…) There are malicious people behind these accounts who perhaps one day will move on to the act.” In France, cyberharassment can be punished with prison time and a fine of up to 45,000 euros.

Is Hoshi in a relationship?

Hoshi displays his sexuality without taboo. Openly homosexual, the interpreter of Your sailor top had entrusted to Paris Match in 2018: “I’m a lesbian, I display it without problem even if I’m not the type to go to Gay Pride. My family has always accepted it and I don’t see why it would be a problem for anyone else.”

However, Hoshi was harassed and even threatened. “Armed guys had found my address and threatened to murder me. They were not only threatening to attack me, in fact, my entire family was targeted”she declared to the Obs. On the heart side, the young woman has a perfect love affair with a certain Gia Martinelli, who is none other than… her lyricist and manager.

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  • Source of information and images “journaldesfemmes

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