
Hassan Fathi, fitness coach: Athletics are fine and there is a healthy future in sports

Hassan Fathi, former coach and player of Zamalek Club and the Egyptian national athletics team, confirmed that Egypt is capable of building a new generation of athletics players in the near future, due to the promising talents it contains capable of being present on international platforms.

Hassan Fathi said in exclusive statements to “Rosa Al-Youssef Portal” today, Saturday: “Athletics is one of the most popular and demanding sports in the world, as it requires high physical and technical skills to achieve success. Physical and technical preparation constitute the cornerstone of the journey of any athlete seeking excellence in this sport.


He added, “Physical preparation focuses on developing the players’ basic physical abilities, such as strength, speed, endurance, and flexibility.” Physical preparation programs include various exercises, such as weight lifting exercises, running, swimming, and general physical exercises. The technical preparation also focuses on teaching players the correct performance techniques for each athletics game.


Hassan Fathi continued his speech by saying, “This includes learning running, jumping, and throwing techniques, in addition to developing balance and coordination skills.” Physical and technical preparation are closely interconnected to achieve optimal performance in athletics. Strength, speed, and endurance are necessary to execute artistic techniques correctly, while artistic techniques help improve the efficiency of physical performance.

Hassan Fathi concluded his special statements to “Rosa Al-Youssef Portal” He said, “Physical and technical preparation is necessary to achieve success in athletics, so athletes must work hard to improve their physical and technical abilities in parallel to reach the highest levels of performance.”

Before we build the material and scientific future of our children, we must build the foundation, which is our children themselves, through sports, by building their bodies and minds, because sports are the foundation for this building, even if this sports is just for public health and not for a championship, so I advise all people, children, women, and men, no matter what. They were young enough to practice sports for a healthy future.

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  • Source of information and images “rosaelyoussef

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