Middle East

"quality of education"The Council of Ministers’ decision to amend some of the Authority’s provisions is a qualitative leap for the education quality system in Egypt

 Dr. Alaa Ashmawy, Chairman of the National Authority for Education Quality Assurance and Accreditation, confirmed that the approval of the Council of Ministers, headed by Dr. Mostafa Madbouly, during its weekly meeting last Wednesday, of the Prime Minister’s draft decision to amend some provisions of the executive regulations of Law No. 82 of 2006 establishing the authority. National Education Quality Assurance and Accreditation, issued by Presidential Decree No. 25 of 2007, is a strong expression of the serious approach of the political leadership in Egypt to improve the education system and achieve the highest levels of quality at all levels of education, indicating the Egyptian leadership’s belief that quality education is one of the most important pillars of security. The National Council.



Dr. Alaa Ashmawi, in his statements today, Friday, described the Council of Ministers’ decision as representing a qualitative shift in the education quality work system, Activating the authority’s role in developing policies and strategies to ensure the quality of education, training and continuous development, and preparing the national qualifications framework. The Egyptian state and its wise leadership are keen to ensure that the outputs of all education and training institutions in Egypt adhere to all international standards that qualify graduates to work inside and outside Egypt with high quality efficiency. 

For her part, Dr. Asmaa Mostafa, Vice President of the Education Quality Authority, stated For pre-university education affairs, the Council of Ministers’ decision to approve the draft decision of the President of the Council amending some provisions of the executive regulations of Law No. 82 of 2006 establishing the National Authority for Education Quality Assurance and Accreditation represents real support for the powers and competencies of the Education Quality Authority, and that this decision is as important as it is. We have real responsibilities, which we are honored to fulfill and make every effort to bear them honestly. 

Dr. Asmaa Mustafa explained that the Cabinet’s decision to activate the Authority’s role in setting the necessary standards and procedures to measure the extent to which the educational or training institution fulfills the accreditation requirements, and to issue certificates Accreditation, renewal, then suspension or cancellation if the minimum accreditation conditions are not met – It expresses confidence in the role of the Education Quality Authority in improving the education system and its outcomes in Egypt. This decision also expresses a true vision of the political leadership that the optimal investment in the Egyptian person through quality education remains the country’s true national wealth.

Worthy. It is noteworthy that the National Qualifications Framework, which is scheduled to be announced by the National Authority for Educational Quality Assurance and Accreditation soon, will include the Egyptian Qualifications Database, and through it any party inside or outside Egypt can view Egyptian qualifications and their specifications. This framework contains the specifications of each educational stage, from knowledge, And experiences, and competencies for each stage, and it is divided into “8” Stages starting from kindergarten and ending with a doctorate. 

The framework supports freedom of movement between tracks in different types of education, and helps in combining several specializations, the emergence of new specializations needed by the labor market, and the development of new programs for interspecialization.   

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  • Source of information and images “rosaelyoussef

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