Women's Corner

“She’s a tornado, she inherited her father’s character” EXCLUDED

Having become a mother late in life, Adriana Karembeu enjoys her happiness every day with her little Nina, born in 2018. From her daughter’s assertive character to her memories of pregnancy, she tells us everything. Excluded.

While she published an autobiography titled Freein which she retraces her journey from childhood to today, ex-model Adriana Karembeu made intimate confidences in an interview for the Women’s Journal. Here is the rest of his confessions. She mentions in particular her daughter, Nina.

You welcomed your daughter at 46, almost the same age as your grandmother was when you were born: looking back, do you regret becoming a mother late in life?

Adriana Karembeu. It’s life but I actually regret it because I should have done it sooner. If I had had a child before, this transformation with the birth of Nina could have taken place. On the other hand, I could have had other children because that’s what I miss today.

You talk about your father’s physical but also psychological violence and his tendency to always want to put you down. Were you afraid that Nina would look like her?

Adriana Karembeu. The beatings were not that frequent. The hardest part was waiting for them and fearing them. I always waited for his crises, his outbursts of anger, and it was this fear that was heavy to bear, just like the humiliations. I didn’t have to worry that Nina would look like my father because it’s a portrait of hers! I’m happy about it because I never wanted to have a child who looked like me.

In your book you talk about your pregnancy but also your miscarriage and your in vitro fertilizations. Do you still have any injuries from that period?

Adriana Karembeu. When I wanted to have a child, I went to see my gynecologist and in the waiting room there was a poster which said that you only had a 6% chance of getting pregnant after the age of 40. I had a shock! I hadn’t realized it before. I read so much in magazines that it was possible to have a child late. My doctor confirmed to me that it was going to be very difficult. When I got home, I broke down and cried my eyes out. But the next day when I woke up, I told myself that I was not going to win this battle but win this war! I told myself that I was going to try everything even if it meant going to the other side of the world to adopt a child even if Aram wasn’t very keen. So ultimately no matter the obstacles encountered, I was ready to face everything. And when I held Nina in my arms, I forgot everything in an instant.

How is Nina?

Adriana Karembeu. It’s a tornado and even a little dragon! She inherited her father’s character and has absolutely no fear. She has, excuse me for being trivial, a real pair of balls (laughs). I’m sure she will become an actress because as soon as she sees a camera or is in public, she changes her face and postures. That’s crazy !

You have been very close with her for a long time. Have you managed to cut the cord?

Adriana Karembeu. No, it’s complicated because she’s been so attached to me. Now she discovers her dad when I have to go to work. But when I come back, he tells me that she forgets him from the first second! (laughs) She said to me: “Mom you are the best mom in the world“. When I ask her why, she answers: “Because you look like Barbie” (laughs). When people recognize me in the street and say hello to me, she is shocked. She says to me: “But why don’t you talk to them? You have to be kind“. So I tell him that I don’t know them but Nina tells me: “But they do because they know your name!“She also doesn’t understand when I agree to take photos with fans but I don’t want her to appear in them!

Exclusive interview which cannot be repeated without mention of the Women’s Journal.

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  • Source of information and images “journaldesfemmes

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