
With signs bearing "Return keys"Massive marches in Paris to commemorate the Nakba

Less than an hour before the start of a massive march in support of Palestine from “Republic” Square. In the heart of the French capital, Paris, yesterday, a large number of citizens flocked to sellers of the Palestinian scarf or shawl and Palestinian flags, but this time the scene was dominated by banners in the form of the “Key to Return” It is one of the most important symbols by which Palestinians express their adherence to the right to return to the territories occupied in 1948. 

Thousands of French citizens gathered yesterday, Saturday, in the heart of “Republic Square” To support and support the Palestinian people and to demand an immediate and permanent ceasefire in the Gaza Strip in light of the continuation of Israeli military operations in the Strip. 

And like every time, they went out in massive marches wearing the Palestinian shawl and raising The Palestinian flag, except that this time they raised – alongside the flag – the “keys of return,” because of their strong symbolic significance for the Palestinians, especially since this march coincides with the commemoration of the 76th anniversary of the Nakba that befell the Palestinians in 1948 and caused the displacement of hundreds of thousands.&nbsp ;

Sandrine walks She holds clothes in one hand and the “return key.” On the other hand, to represent the tragedy that the Palestinians lived at the time of the Nakba and are still living until now, and she said – to the Middle East News Agency correspondent in Paris – “76 years have passed since the Nakba, which witnessed the mass exodus of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from their homes and villages, so I tried to bring these things.” With me to express the suffering of these Palestinians who had to leave their homes in this way and have only a few clothes, their personal belongings and the key to their house… We must remember this important moment that represents the beginning of the pain that the Palestinians are experiencing until now.

As for “Jacqueline” She made sure to wear the Palestinian shawl and carry a bag of clothes and some personal effects to send “a strong message that in 1948, the date of the first Nakba, the Palestinians were forced to flee and leave their homes, and here we are in the year 2024, and the second Nakba began in the year 2023, so history is repeating itself, in In 1948, we had more than 500,000 refugees who fled their homes, and now in 2024, we have 1.5 million people who had to flee in Gaza. 

"Elodie" , to accompany her children in the march in support of the children of Palestine, saying, “Yes, my children are with me. We tell them the history of Palestine and everything that is happening now, and we tell them that you are lucky. You go to school and play with your friends and get what you want, while on the other side of the world there are children who do not They cannot even sleep because of the bombing, and they have nothing to eat, and they do not go to school or anywhere, but rather leave their homes. It is not fair for our children to live in peace, go to school, play, and live their childhood, and on the contrary, Palestinian children are deprived of all of this!". span>

"Francois" Until history repeats itself with a second Nakba, saying: “Israel must stop this second Nakba, respect the United Nations resolutions that it has not respected since 1948, and stop settlement. The Israeli army must also stop the crimes it is committing and the Palestinian people must be respected.” ;.

These massive marches took place to demand an immediate and permanent ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and an end to the genocide to which Palestinians are subjected in the occupied Palestinian territories.

The demonstrators chanted slogans in support of the Palestinians, such as “Stop genocide!” And “Free Palestine… Palestine will triumph.” Other chants condemned the Hebrew state, including: “Israel is a killer.”

For her part, “Jan” expressed: She expressed her anger at “the ongoing injustice in Gaza and the bombing of civilians,” stressing the importance of the voice of the street being heard, adding, “ Because the French media rarely talks about this genocide that is currently taking place, so there is only the voice of the street and the voice of the citizens and that is why we continue to mobilize and demonstrate and we will not stop as long as the genocide continues, and unless there is an immediate ceasefire. 

Amidst chants of “Long live, long live Palestine,” Fabian affirmed that The importance of her participation in the demonstration.. She said, “I was keen to boycott celebrities who are silent about the genocidal war in Gaza, and do not show their support for the Palestinians, and do not even cry for the children who are dying, so I blocked their accounts on social media networks.. I believe that this ban has an effective role, as The number of their followers decreases and they also lose money.”

Many citizens were keen to participate in the march to show their support for Palestine and their rejection of the apartheid practiced by the Israeli government, while Israeli military operations are still continuing. In the Gaza Strip, they raised banners expressing their solidarity, such as “We are all Palestine.” “Long live the resistance of the Palestinian people!” And “Gaza.. Gaza.. Paris is with you.”

Claudia concluded: By saying decisively: “We need peace now. We are in 2024, and the war is continuing. This is not normal, so this war must stop.”

Several groups have called for this march. Various French organizations, parties and trade union groups supporting the Palestinian people, including the “For a Just and Lasting Peace between the Palestinians and the Israelis” coalition, which explained that Israel, for 76 years, has ignored human rights and international law, and over the course of 76 years, generations have lived Of the Palestinians in oppression and forced displacement, and suffered from the violence of the occupation and settlement in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, and the siege and then the massacre that the Palestinian people are subjected to in Gaza, so the demonstrators demanded an immediate ceasefire, an end to settlement, the implementation of the right of return for Palestinian refugees, and an end to this “second catastrophe.” ; In the Gaza Strip, which led to the death of more than 35,000 Palestinians as a result of the ongoing war in the Strip and the displacement of about 1,900,000 people, according to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA). 

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  • Source of information and images “rosaelyoussef

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