
TESTIMONIALS. "Justice has been served" : in Iran, opponents of the regime rejoice at the death of President Ebrahim Raïssi

Not all Iranians mourn the death of their president. Since the announcement of the death of Ebrahim Raïssi, Iran’s allies have mainly expressed their condolences to the regime. But on site the reactions are more varied and less affected.

In the ranks of the opposition, voices are already rejoicing at the death of the ultra-conservative Ebrahim Raïssi, alias “the butcher of Tehran”, a nickname that has followed him since 1988 when he ordered the execution of thousands of opponents. in Iranian prisons. Nasser, aged in his thirties and who lives in Tehran, does not hide his joy: “I am absolutely happy that the president and his propagandist minister Abollahian are dead! Justice has been done, although we would have preferred that they were tried in court and punished for their crimes against the Iranian population.”

This is the second Iranian president to die in office, and Nasser would like this brutal death to shake up the regime: “I hope that this event will create tensions in the political class, that they will tear themselves apart to regain power, and that it will give strength to the Iranian people in their fight against the regime.”

Another astonishing event seen in the streets of Tehran: fireworks. Ebrahim Raïssi has been on the move in recent months to bloodily repress the Woman, Life, Freedom movement.

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