
Several foreign tourists killed in Afghanistan’s Bamiyan province

In Afghanistan, several people became victims of an armed attack on a group of foreign tourists in the province of Bamiyan, reports the Afghan service of Radio Liberty – Radio Azadi – with reference to a source in the structures of the ruling Taliban movement in the country, recognized as terrorist in Russia and the West.

The source did not say how many people were killed and what countries they were from. Aamaj News reported that the attack killed eight people, including four foreign citizens. The publication does not provide details of what happened.

The eponymous administrative center of Bamiyan province, in central Afghanistan, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It attracts tourists with such historical and cultural attractions as the Bamiyan Buddha statues, the Citadel
Bamiyan and Shahr-e Gholgol (City of Screams). Bamiyan is also a popular destination for nature lovers.

  • The Taliban returned to power in Afghanistan in August 2021 amid the withdrawal of international coalition forces led by the United States. The wave of violence and terrorist attacks has intensified in the country, including by representatives of the terrorist organization “Islamic State” (IS), with which the Taliban are at enmity.
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  • Source of information and images “svoboda

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