Women's Corner

his rant against the stars who are doing “their publicity stunt”

Furious, Estelle Denis was cash on the set of her show “Estelle Midi”, on RMC. The sports journalist denounced the hypocrisy of certain celebrities…

Estelle Denis is pissed and she wanted to make it known! On the set of his show Estelle Midi on RMC, the journalist let out a rant while the eyes of the country (and the planet) are turned towards the path of the Olympic flame a few weeks before the Olympics. The ex-wife of Raymond Domenec did not mince her words…

Estelle Denis: her rant against the stars who carry the Olympic flame

What bothers me is that sport is looked down upon“, Estelle Denis first said to her columnists. The journalist denounced the hypocrisy of society which relegates sport to the background while many personalities proudly appear carrying the Olympic flame.

Many celebrities such as Camille Combal, Jamel Debbouze, Marine Ltemporel, Soprano, Bigflo & Oli, Virginie Ledoyen, Jenifer, Redouane Bougheraba, Olivia Ruiz, Renaud Capuçon, Sabrina Ouazani and Juan Arbelaez were chosen to relay the Olympic flame for a 80-day journey which began on May 8 in Marseille. “The people who carry the flame, who we have never seen in a tracksuit and who pride themselves because they carry the flame to make their personal communication, that bothers me“, Estelle Denis was indignant.

Estelle Denis, cash: what is “despised” in France

In our country, we look down on sport. Sport is not a specialty at the baccalaureate, when you arrive at a dinner and you are a sports journalist you are less well regarded than an economic or political journalist, when you are good at sport but not good at maths, you are despise, we despise sports teachers…”, she listed before castigating those who use the Olympic flame to make their “own pub” on social networks.

Estelle Denis, however, clarified that she did not criticize the personalities carrying the Olympic flame for doing their own advertising, as long as they do not “don’t spit on sport” the rest of the time. And to add: “Sport is the poor relation of national education… Even though it has a lot of values“.

The presenter of Estelle Midi would have preferred that “volunteers from sports associations“are favored to carry the Olympic flame in front of well-known personalities or selected by brands.”I don’t understand this choice“, she concluded. The Olympic flame will complete its journey on July 26 in Paris, during the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games.

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  • Source of information and images “journaldesfemmes

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