Women's Corner

this corner of France that they finally discover as a family PHOTOS

Having settled in France for several months, Christina Milian and Mr. Pokora are enjoying their new life as a family. And for the return of sunny days, parents set off with their children to discover a very popular city!

For several years, Mr. Pokora and Christina Milian lived in the United States. When the romance with the American singer became serious, the artist revealed in Popstars settled in the suburbs of Los Angeles. But, for several months, the two stars and their children left America… for France. The opportunity for young parents to (re)discover France.

This Norman town popular with Parisians

For Christina Milian, every day brings its share of discoveries. If in the summer they regularly like to go to the Côte d’Azur, where they met 7 years ago, the couple decided to broaden their horizons since living full-time in France. So, for the long Ascension weekend, the tandem went with their children Violet, Isaiah and Kenna to a famous city popular with Parisians in Normandy. A new destination for Christina Milian… but also Mr. Pokora!

“When I was a kid, we took spontaneous family trips to the beach in Virginia, just three hours from Maryland. Now my kids also have their own beach destination where they create their memories.”, explains the singer on Instagram. What city is this? “Deauville, just 2.5 hours from Paris. It adds to our latest discoveries in Normandy. It’s even a first time for Matt!”she reveals again.

A life between the United States and France

The couple’s choice to settle in France was carefully considered. Last December, the 42-year-old singer justified their decision: “I am at a point in my career where I can follow the impulses of my heart, balance work and private life. Here I feel safe”, she explained. For Mr. Pokora, this above all allows him to devote himself fully to his career without being too far away from his wife and their children. It must be said that the star from Strasbourg makes it a point of honor to see Isaiah, 4 years old, and Kenna, 3 years old, grow up. But also to show them who their dad is. “I want them to know where I come from, to know their roots”he argued The voice of the North in 2023.

However, the family maintains a strong attachment to America. This year, they left French soil at Christmas, to spend it with the singer’s family… in California. “We want my children to be able to see their cousins. Next year, we will try to bring the whole family back to Paris to celebrate here”detailed Christina Milian.

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  • Source of information and images “journaldesfemmes

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