Middle East

The Minister of Health is following up on the executive position of the work of the National Emergency and Public Safety Network

Dr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, Minister of Health and Population, held his regular meeting on Monday, to follow up on the executive position of the work of the National Network for Emergency and Public Safety within all sectors and bodies of the Ministry of Health and Population, in the presence of the Ministry’s leaders, heads of bodies, and representatives of the concerned authorities of the National Network for Emergency and Public Safety.< /p>


Dr. Hossam Abdel Ghaffar, the official spokesman for the Ministry of Health and Population, explained that the meeting discussed the executive position of the work of past meetings, including the executive position of the Central Administration for Critical and Urgent Care, where 13 hospitals were prepared. A hospital in Fayoum Governorate was equipped with technical equipment and devices for the National Emergency and Public Safety Network, and 2 rooms of the Directorate of Health Affairs in the governorates were equipped with technical equipment and devices for the network for the benefit of the integration of health departments in the governorates. The central room of the network at the headquarters of the Central Administration for Critical and Urgent Care was also equipped with technical equipment and devices for the national network, in addition to supplying 100 wireless devices.

Abdul Ghaffar continued: Coordination is underway with the General Authority for Health Care to take advantage of the modern technological capabilities (analysis, artificial intelligence) in the government data center affiliated with the National Emergency and Public Safety Network, through the committee formed and commissioned by the President of the Republic, which is responsible for hosting all health sector data within the government data center. The two rooms will also be connected as soon as the central room of the National Emergency and Public Safety Network is completed at the headquarters of the Central Administration for Critical and Urgent Care, to ensure the maximum possible benefit.

Abdul Ghaffar added: Coordination is underway with the Secretariat of Specialized Medical Centers in favor of mechanizing the Kafr El Sheikh Oncology Center and equipping the El Alamein Model Hospital. Coordination is also underway by the Secretariat with the relevant authorities to include the financial cost of 18 other hospitals to begin implementing mechanization in them, explaining that the financial assessments have been completed. And technical support for 3 hospitals affiliated with the General Secretariat of Mental Health (Abbasiya, Al-Khanka, and Heliopolis), and the rest of the mental health system is being studied with companies working in the same field.

Abdul Ghaffar said: 9 hospitals and educational institutes affiliated with the General Authority for Hospitals and Educational Institutes have been equipped, including hospitals (Ahmed Maher, Al-Gomhouria, Damanhour, and Matareya), and institutes (Memorial Ophthalmology, Hearing and Speech, New Liver, National Heart in Imbaba, Heart with Kit Kat), with equipment and devices. Technical support for the network, pointing to the readiness to host databases for automation projects (HMIS) for the previously mentioned hospitals and educational institutes.

Abdul Ghaffar stated: The procedures for hosting hospital management systems, completing work with artificial intelligence and Internet of Things systems, and working on evaluating experiments and moving to the actual implementation phase have been completed, within the framework of the digital transformation axis, pointing out that the initial version of the technical solution for mechanizing medical convoys has been completed.

"Abdul Ghaffar" added During the meeting, the Minister directed all those concerned from the Ministry to quickly complete the development of infrastructure and implement mechanization in all medical facilities in all governorates, and to achieve the maximum benefit from the emergency and public safety system, stressing the intensification of work through all agencies affiliated with the Ministry to implement its strategy to automate all arms of the health system from Through modern and developed thought, he also stressed the importance of achieving optimal exploitation of the infrastructure development adopted by the state to mechanize and digitize the entire health system and achieve complete governance to closely follow up on patients in a way that ensures achieving health security for citizens and providing them with the best health care services.

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  • Source of information and images “rosaelyoussef

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