Life Style

Gut Health Glow-Up: Your Skin’s Beauty Timeline

One of our latest obsessions at Poosh is the gut-skin axis—specifically, the link between gut health and acne. We’ve already covered how and why poor gut health can manifest in acne, along with the best way to eat for gut health. 

Now, we’re back with Chloe Williams, RHN, founder of Eunoia Wellness for Part Three: How long does it take to see results?

“The truth is that the journey to seeing noticeable improvements in skin health through dietary and lifestyle changes can differ greatly among individuals,” Chloe says. “While some might start to see changes in a matter of weeks, others—particularly those dealing with chronic or severe skin conditions—could take three to six months to see significant results. This variance is largely due to the body’s need to adapt to these changes, heal the gut, rebalance the microbiome, and diminish systemic inflammation.”

In other words, it varies from person to person because we are all unique little snowflakes. 

But there is a solid benchmark for most people to gauge how effective their diet and lifestyle changes have been. 

Chloe recommends giving any new dietary or lifestyle regimen at least three months before deciding if it’s working for you. “This recommendation is grounded in the understanding that the gut and skin rejuvenation cycle requires time,” she says. “Three months provides a sufficient window for the body to cycle through significant cellular turnover, allowing for the gut microbiome to adjust and inflammation levels to alter, which, in turn, can begin to reflect in the condition of your skin.”

So don’t give up! 

“Maintaining consistency with the implemented changes during this period is crucial, as is patience,” Chloe says. “Healing the gut and improving skin health is a progressive process, and to be honest, immediate results are less common.”

“A three-month timeframe,” she says, “acknowledges the body’s natural healing processes and provides a realistic expectation for noticeable benefits, making it a critical period for staying committed to your health journey.”

Change takes time. We’ve got this. 

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