
Amazon will invest more than 1.2 billion euros in France during the Choose France summit, announces the Elysée

New major investment announced ahead of the Choose France economic summit. The American e-commerce giant Amazon will invest “more than 1.2 billion euros in France” in its logistics and web infrastructures, with the creation of “more than 3 000 jobs” direct permanent contracts, announced the Elysée on Sunday May 12.

These new investments must focus on the development of the cloud infrastructure of Amazon Web Services (AWS), especially for the area of ​​generative artificial intelligence, as well as on the logistics infrastructure for parcel distribution. Amazon did not respond to requests from AFP, after recently indicating that it had no comment “ahead of any possible announcement that would be made” during this demonstration.

The American giant had previously announced 2,000 job creations in 2024, to reach 24,000 permanent employees in the country by the end of the year, particularly in its logistics centers. These announcements are in addition to others made this weekend, including those from Pfizer, SMEs or industrial companies in various fields such as fertilizers, aviation, nickel or household robots.

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  • Source of information and images “francetvinfo

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