
REPORTING. "We need to help our military" : in Kharkiv, Ukrainians give their blood against the advance of the Russians

In Ukraine, the residents of Kharkiv are mobilizing and donating blood. The country’s second city is the target of bombings which have left at least 11 dead. Moscow’s offensive continues, but Ukrainian troops still claim to control 60% of the border town of Vovchansk. They say they are fighting house after house to try to avoid the advance of the Russian army.

In a discreet brick building, in the basement, civilians, mostly women, come to donate blood. The place was bombed on February 25, 2022, on the second day of the Russian offensive, leaving one dead and several injured. Sitting on an armchair, bandage around her arm, Ioulia, 24, gives blood for the third time: “I came because my country needs help. I am from Lugansk. If I don’t help, who will?” Lugansk is an occupied territory on the border with Russia. We must make every effort to repel the enemy, says Yulia, whose cousin has just been wounded at the front: “We need to help our military, that’s what we’re trying to do.”

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