Middle East

Agriculture House recommends making termite control pesticides available to citizens in Aswan for free

The Agriculture and Irrigation Committee discussed during its meeting today, Tuesday, headed by Representative Hisham Al-Hosary, Chairman of the Committee, the briefing request submitted by Representative Reham Abdel Naby, regarding the spread of termites in all villages, centers and cities of Aswan Governorate.


The representative reviewed the briefing request, noting the suffering of farmers in Aswan Governorate centers from the spread of termites, in light of the decline in the role of the Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation in the field of control and the difficulty of people obtaining pesticides, which led to the collapse of real estate wealth. In the governorate.

In turn, Engineer Hosni Abdel Sattar Abu Qouta, Director of Pest Control in Aswan Governorate, explained that termites live in colonies that feed on cellulose, wood and furniture. It leads to the collapse of wooden buildings.

He added, the rise in pesticide prices and the decrease in their quantities has affected the ability of pest control departments and people to combat this insect.

Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Rizk, head of the Central Pest Control Department, explained He stressed the decline in financial allocations to combat the palm weevil and termites to 800 thousand pounds, which necessitated resorting to transferring allocations from one item to another.

MP Hisham Al-Hosary warned of the seriousness of the repercussions of the spread of the termite pest, indicating the necessity of Quickly deal with and confront it.

The committee ended up forming a committee of representatives of the Central Pest Control Administration at the Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation in coordination with Aswan Governorate to determine the required needs of pesticides needed to combat the termite pest and make them available to citizens free of charge to eliminate this devastating pest.


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  • Source of information and images “rosaelyoussef

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