Middle East

Giza Governor: The end of preparations for the preparatory certificate exams

Giza Governor Ahmed Rashid confirmed that the Governorate’s Directorate of Education has completed its preparations for the second semester exams for the preparatory certificate tomorrow, Saturday, directing that all necessary measures be taken and schools be disinfected to provide a safe and appropriate exam environment for our students.




Rashid explained – in a statement – that the number of applicants for the preparatory certificate exams reached 191,68 students, male and female, taking their exams before 697 examination committees in educational departments, in addition to the 57,357 committee.

The Governor of Giza directed the executive authorities to cooperate. To create a good climate for students to take exams… stressing the continued coordination between the Directorate of Education, the Directorate of Security, and the Directorate of Health Affairs to provide all the needs required for the conduct of the exams process, while fully adhering to all necessary procedures.

The Governor of Giza also directed the heads of districts and centers. The cities and the Cleaning Authority will intensify cleaning work in the vicinity of schools, remove waste immediately, and prevent the presence of occupants, loudspeakers, or any means of disturbance in order to create a healthy environment that allows students to perform exams successfully.

For his part, Ashraf Salouma, Director of the Directorate of Education, explained that Strict instructions were issued to fully adhere to ministerial decisions and regulating periodicals, and to form an operations room in each educational department, stressing the prohibition of the entry of mobile phones, headphones, and electronic watches, while reducing students to subcommittees, and maintaining safe distances between students while taking the exam, with the constant presence of a doctor or health visitor in each committee. To intervene immediately in case of emergency, and pay attention to the daily cleanliness of the yard and bathrooms.  

  • For more: Elrisala website and for social follow us on Facebook
  • Source of information and images “rosaelyoussef

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