
"Dewa" And"Power China" The two sides discuss cooperation to promote sustainable energy solutions

Dubai, May 17 / WAM / The Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA) discussed with the Chinese company “Power China” cooperation in various fields of sustainable energy and water.
This came when His Excellency Saeed Mohammed Al Tayer, Managing Director and CEO of Dubai Electricity and Water Authority, received a delegation from the Chinese company, where he discussed potential areas of cooperation, including renewable energy projects, smart grid solutions, water infrastructure development, and participation in research and development projects.
The two parties expressed their desire for strategic cooperation to pave the way for future joint projects.
His Excellency Al Tayer stressed DEWA’s commitment to the principles of sustainability and innovation within the framework of the Dubai Clean Energy Strategy 2050, and the Carbon Neutrality Strategy 2050 for the Emirate of Dubai to provide 100% of energy production capacity from clean energy sources by the year 2050.
The Power China delegation expressed its interest in cooperating with Dubai Electricity and Water Authority to explore new projects and enhance the exchange of knowledge and expertise in the energy and water sectors.

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  • Source of information and images “wam

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