Middle East

Zaki Nusseibeh: Cultural diversity is a source of strength, flexibility and innovation in the Emirates

ABU DHABI, May 20 / WAM / His Excellency Zaki Anwar Nusseibeh, Cultural Advisor to His Highness the President of the State, Supreme President of the United Arab Emirates University, stressed that the UAE’s celebrations of the International Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development are a poignant reminder of the importance of the country embracing a rich fabric of cultures, making Its community is diverse and vibrant.

On the occasion of the International Day for Cultural Diversity, which was adopted by the United Nations on May 21 of each year, His Excellency said: “In an increasingly harmonious, interconnected and diverse world, the importance of cultural diversity cannot be overstated. In the UAE, it is a source of strength, flexibility and innovation, and enhances mutual understanding and respect among members of its society.” From different backgrounds, beliefs and traditions.”

He added: “Cultural diversity is not just an aspect of our society. It is the essence of our identity as Emiratis and global citizens. The UAE welcomes cultural diversity while devoting to preserving the Emirati identity and adhering to the country’s ancient heritage, including the constants of religion, language and traditions. Our country also stands as a shining example of tolerance, harmony and unity.” “And harmony, where people of more than 200 nationalities coexist peacefully, sharing their cultures and languages ​​in a spirit of mutual respect. This diversity is not only a source of national pride, but also a driving force for social cohesion, economic prosperity and sustainable development.”

He explained: “Our wise government, led by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the State, may God protect him, has realized that the rich cultural heritage of the UAE plays a crucial role in supporting sustainable development and enhancing the UAE’s leadership in global competition, and was keen to embrace it and harness its transformative power to advance Positive change and innovation, and highlighting it as a force that attracts investments, and a source of inspiration for sustainable tourism development initiatives, which as a whole contribute to the economic prosperity and social well-being of all residents of the UAE in the long term.”

His Excellency said: “At this critical juncture in history, which is characterized by unprecedented global challenges and uncertainties, the importance of cultural diversity for dialogue and development has become clearer than ever before, and in a world characterized by rapid globalization and technological progress, the UAE is well aware that cultural diversity is a bulwark.” Against division, intolerance and extremism, and enhances the sense of belonging, identity and common humanity.”

His Excellency concluded by saying: “As we look to the future, it is essential that we continue to prioritize promoting cultural diversity and tolerance in our leadership approach. By fostering an environment where different voices are heard, viewpoints are valued, and differences are respected, we can unleash the full potential of our societies and build… A more peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world for all.”

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